Did you know that you can actually make yourself smarter? That you can increase your ability to think strategically, to reason, and to analyze new information? Learning to think in new ways is just like learning any other skill, and the more you practice these habits, the easier they become to use in your everyday life. If you would like to boost your brainpower and increase your thinking capacity, here are some smart thinking habits that you can adopt.

"Those who think about their thinking are more self-aware..."
Those who are most intelligent and best at solving problems know that it is better to be flexible. Flexible thinking allows you to consider multiple approaches, to be willing to listen to many different points of view, and to be open to changing your mind when you are presented with added information. Flexibility enables you to pick the best solution, not just the one you thought of first.
Precise Communication
When it comes to attaining success, improving your relationships, or just getting what you want out of life, one thinking skill that will always serve you well is to focus on clarity and precision in your thinking and your communication. The more detailed and precise you are about your ideas, your goals, and your suggestions, the more people will understand you, and the more likely you are to get what you deserve. The most intelligent people among us are precise and clear communicators, including how they talk to themselves.
Learning from the Past
We all have many experiences in our past that can inform our current situation and choices, but not everyone uses that knowledge well. Learning from your past and experiences is an integral part of personal growth, and applying those lessons now means you can avoid making the same mistake, and you may even find you don’t have to work as hard because you already have figured out the best way to tackle a problem.
Taking Calculated Risks
When it comes to taking risks, most people think that you should avoid them at all costs. But the truth is, sometimes, the rewards you gain from a chance outweigh the possible downsides. But, to know if you are taking a smart risk, you must think carefully about all those possible positive and negative outcomes, and you must weight these carefully for yourself. Challenges and risks can often help you get ahead and reach an important goal, but you must be smart about which risks are best for you.

Those with smart thinking habits ask a lot more questions than most people, and the questions they ask help them probe deeper and gain more insight. Curiosity about a situation or problem will lead to more motivation to solve it as well as valuable information about the nature of the issue. Asking questions challenges you to think differently and consider all possible perspectives and alternatives, as well.
Often, the thing that separates a smart thinker from others is that they are simply able to focus on the problem or task longer, which results in more opportunities for success. Persistence and focus are crucial thinking skills that can put you ahead of the competition and help you achieve your goals for yourself. Focus helps you remain engaged and try innovative approaches that can end up helping you crack a difficult problem or achieve an ambitious goal.
Those who think about their thinking, which is known as metacognition, are more self-aware, can monitor their own thoughts and approaches to problems, and can better see how their ideas are influencing the outcomes of their life. When you engage in this practice, you are also able to see how your actions and choices impact other people. Evaluating your own thinking is an essential part of getting better, too.
Until next time, many blessings and much peace! xo