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The Importance of Self-Acceptance 

Writer: Dr. Melissa A. BordognaDr. Melissa A. Bordogna

Self-acceptance is a concept that we don’t think about very often. However, we probably should. Whether or not you accept yourself can have a great impact on how you feel and how you act. It can truly affect your entire world. Learning this concept is one of the most effective ways to silence your inner naysayer. In order to do that, you’ll need to understand more about what self-acceptance is and why it matters so much.

About Self-Acceptance

Self-acceptance is difference than self-esteem. It doesn’t revolve around your thoughts and feelings about yourself. It’s more an attitude and understanding. It doesn’t waver. Self-acceptance is the belief that you’re good enough right now as you are. It acknowledges the fact that you’re flawed and that there could be room for improvement. Self-acceptance doesn’t mean you should be resigned to never changing. It does rely on the understanding that your core self is okay. You are enough.

Why It Matters

When you accept yourself, you’re not constantly comparing yourself to others. Your happiness doesn’t depend upon outside forces. You’re not moving through the world waiting for someday. You understand who you are today, and you’re at peace with that person. You aren’t striving to be thinner, smarter, prettier, or anything more than you are in the moment. You may still take steps to make changes in yourself, but you know deep down you’d be okay if none of those changes ever materialized.

Acceptance and Your Inner Naysayer

When you accept yourself for who you are, you’re far less likely to give in to the criticism of your inner naysayer. When that voice tells you that you’re not enough, you may take a moment to consider the situation. However, you won’t fall into despair. You’re not likely to be held back or to avoid taking risks when you have a sense that you’re capable just as you are. No matter what your inner critic has to say, self-acceptance allows you to question it. You’re able to take stock of the situation and see it as it really is, rather than to accept the absolutes of your negative self-talk.

As you can see, self-acceptance is a powerful force. It means knowing who you are and believing that person is good. It’s believing you’re enough. That kind of understanding can get you through nearly any hurdle life throws at you. It can definitely help you to know when your inner naysayer is lying to you. Self-acceptance is a key component of self-love.

Until next time, many blessings and much peace!


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