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The ‘Yes I Can’ Attitude of Resiliency

Writer's picture: Dr. Melissa A. BordognaDr. Melissa A. Bordogna

Resiliency speaks to our ability to overcome the difficulties and tragedies we experience in life. In order to successfully bounce back from the difficulties, we face in life, we have to be armed with the right attitude.

Possessing a ‘Yes I Can’ attitude increases our likelihood of success when we face adversity and increases the likelihood of us responding to adversity in a healthy manner. Thus, mastering this attitude as a facet of resilience improves our overall resilience significantly. The following outlines several key elements that aid in the development of a ‘Yes I Can’ attitude.


On one hand, optimism is the ability to see the positives in the midst of a negative situation. On the other hand, optimism is also about the ability not to dwell on negatives that do exist. It’s not about ignoring negatives altogether, but rather paying attention to negatives that may be pertinent to the situation, while simultaneously not remaining focused on those negatives for a prolonged period of time.

It’s about the balance between viewing a situation with realism and having a positive outlook (Barker, 2016). This healthy balance then helps you to embrace the idea that the negatives are temporary and that steps can be taken to move towards a positive outcome. This leads to the empowerment that creates the ‘I Can Do’ attitude of resilience.


Another aspect of developing a ‘Yes I Can’ attitude is a belief in yourself and your abilities. According to research, individuals who possess a high level of belief in their own abilities are better able to manage stress and bounce back from trauma. When you possess confidence in your own abilities you subsequently ascribe to the belief that you can overcome adversity as a result of the strengths and abilities you possess. Ultimately, when you believe you can do a thing chances are you will go on to accomplish that very thing (Cherry, 2020).

Goal Setting

Goal setting contributes to the ‘Yes I Can’ attitude by breaking down larger challenges into smaller bits that can be managed and tackled. When a situation is analyzed, a problem is accurately identified, and goals are set to address the problem, the challenge can be more reasonably managed. Goal setting allows you to see yourself making small progress towards to ultimate goal of conquering the challenge, which then fuels the belief in your ability to be able to achieve and conquer the larger task (Cherry, 2020).


Awareness is another crucial element of fostering the ‘Yes I Can’ attitude of resiliency. Awareness helps us to gain deeper understanding of our behaviors, actions, thoughts, feelings, and motivations. When we better grasp what drives our thoughts, feelings, and actions we then develop more control over our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

What we have better control over we can then better direct towards helping us conquer adversity and move towards greater resilience. For when we become more aware of the personal adjustments we need to and have the power to make in order to improve our situation for the better, we inevitably enhance our ‘Yes I Can’ attitude because we understand exactly what is within our control and how to use it to our advantage (Waters, 2013).

Ultimately, the development of a ‘Yes I Can’ attitude will result in enhanced resiliency. As we strive to be more optimistic, more confident, and to set SMART goals (Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) we will improve our belief that ‘We Can’ when faced with adversity. It is this attitude that will give us the strength we need to continue pressing forward when the going gets tough, and this attitude that will ultimately help us overcome adversity.

Until next time, many blessings and much peace! xo


Barker, E. (2016, April 26). 10 ways to boost your emotional resilience, backed by research. Time.

Cherry, K. (2020, January). Use these 10 tips to improve your resilience. Verywell Mind.

Waters, B. (2013, May 21). 10 traits of emotionally resilient people. Psychology Today.


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